Old Devices Can Be a Gateway for Hackers

Liquid Technology
2 min readJun 25, 2021

Recently, security researcher Josh Frantz explored the security of refurbished devices. He started by purchasing devices from businesses that sold refurbished, donated, and used computers. The haul included desktops and cellphones. He discovered that none of the machines were encrypted or had passwords. Frantz was able to easily access the devices’ old data. On the devices, he found social security numbers, emails, credit cards, and passport information. Leaving data like this exposed could lead to identity theft or other malicious attacks. In addition, this could cost companies hefty fines and legal fees.

Best Way to Recycle Mobile Devices

In 2016, the Basel Action Network (BAN) tracked computers donated to Goodwill. Through the investigation, BAN discovered the computers were illegally dumped in an East Asian landfill. The study exposed the dangers behind donating retired hardware to unqualified companies. Your organization may be inspired to contribute your excess mobile and desktops devices to charity. Yet the only way to ensure your data remains safe is to work with a certified ITAD partner.

Donate Your Retired IT Safely

Liquid Technology provides safe and equitable ITAD services. We are eStewards, and R2 certified. We ensure your retired mobile devices are not illegally exported or dumped in landfills. Liquid Technology partners with charitable organizations. We can serve as your single point of contact to help you safely donate your excess IT and fund a noble cause. Learn more about how our donation process works here: https://liquidtechnology.net/donate-your-excess-it-equipment/.

Original post via LiquidTechnology.net.



Liquid Technology

Liquid Technology is a nationwide provider of IT Asset Management Services. For more info visit: LiquidTechnology.net